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$GMZ GemZ Token

Community Rewards Manager

for Creators

⭐ Kickstart Fan Engagement & Loyalty

⭐ Turbocharge Your Income Streams

⭐ Customize Your Social Token

for Creators

⭐ Kickstart Fan Engagement & Loyalty

⭐ Turbocharge Your Income Streams

⭐ Customize Your Social Token

Creator Token Forge

Creator Testimonials

*Click on the Card

These NFT'd coins are great tokens for our customer to commemorate their team experiences

This is insane...I can’t find words! I’ve never been so excited about my brand!

Watching how excited our community members get when we airdrop rewards has increased engagement 23%

As a Youtuber, GemZ makes it simple to build & take care of my community.

Can't wait to see the increase in our community loyalty metrics on the CRM dashboard

Having a CRM has helped me build my brand. Creators need more professional tools like GemZ.

Built On The Blockchain



Simple 3 Step Process

We handle the creation, minting and file storage

1. Craft Your Creator Token

2. Customize Features & Rewards

3. Deploy & Manage Your Tokens


Most people associate the term "Creator" with Youtuber, Social Media Influencer or Livestreamer. We believe in a much more expansive definition of Creator which includes digital Artists, Musicians, Startup Founders, Athletes, DTC Brands, Bloggers, Podcasters, etc... independent professionals whose livelihoods are supported by their fan or customer communities. Creators are the drivers of the Passion Economy and the future of work globally.

GemZ empowers Creators to stay closely connected with their communities through our Community Rewards Manager (CRM) platform. Traditional corporations use customer loyalty programs so why shouldn't Creators have something similar but tailored to their communities.

Yes. Each Creator's 3D Interactive token is unique, collectible and therefore minted as an NFT. Each token is authentic, unique and meant to directly connect a Creator and their true fans.

Non-Fungible Tokens or NFT's are tokens designed to certify something that is rare and authentic. Technically NFT's fall under the ERC-721 specification. By this definition you can understand why most people associate NFT's with art and collectibles. Having said that NFT's have much broader potential applications especially in terms of programmability.

We are currently exploring creating a trade-able coin with real value but at this time we want to serve as many Creators as we can. While we are BIG believers in blockchain technology especially the most recent innovations with Ethereum we recognize that most people still don't understand cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are still in the volatile chaos of the genesis phase. As we've seen in it's relatively short history combining products with crytocurrencies distorts a product's real underlying value. We will keep experimenting with integrating crypto technology into the process where it makes sense.

No... not at this time. We don't intend to be a platform for people to buy and sell these coins. GemZ are designed to represent a special connection between a Creator and his community members.

Our goal is to significantly and quantifiably improve our Creator communities. We realize that Creators have different fan bases and this requires a certain degree of tailoring the right experience according to each individual Creator.

As a Creator you receive the following benefits:

  • Customized 3D Programmable Creator Tokens
  • Minting on the Blockchain
  • Gamified Rewards Program
  • Actionable Analytic Insights Into Your Core Community
  • More to come...
  • There are many Creator community platforms but none in our humble opinion that showcases the individuality of the Creator, rewards fans and most importantly is owned by the Creator. On GemZ, you own your communities meanining you own the information your members share with you.

    Our first core objective is to build something valuable for Creators. Then we can explore ways of monetizing our services. Some potential ways of generating revenue we are exploring are equity staking. This way our incentives are aligned to ensure we really do help Creators elevate their communities and the quality of engagement.